

Is the governement really involved?
Old forgotten project?

Experiments on animals? humans?

Sounds like Governement tried to contain a project that went wrong a long time ago.

They tried to bury it by closing and defending the blastdoor....only path between the
F4ctory and the world.

F4CTO project regrouped scientists in a secret place to work
on new drugs and viruses for army use.

A giant pipeline was built to supply the laboratories with water...
This pipeline became the weakness of the Secret Bunker.
For an unknown reason, a mutating virus went through this
pipeline and infected all country water....most people died...and became zombies.

Others survived, and had to face the hordes.
Few of them are only hope for human kind, the way to survive the virus
is contained in their blood.
Survivors have to protect them at all cost and lead them to saferooms. (mission objective1). SOme of the infected, are also infecters, that's
the reason why survivors will sometimes be contacted by radio to find them and kill them.(Mission objective2)

The F4ctory: pills developpement laboratory
Thx to Jason and KAi for their help on this

The scientific company called De F4cto was in charge of a military pill,
would give strengh to US troops during the Cold War.
Four products were studied :
The second life pills : giving some extra life to the injured troopers.
The Terminat'Horde pills : giving superhuman strengh, strong as a gorilla.
The fast and curious pills : The trooper could move much faster.
The sixth sense pills : enhancing unknown parts of the brain of the trooper, so he can see the enemy "before" he attaks.

All those pills had very bad secondary effects and and antidote had
to be researched to eliminate them.
The project was top secret, and kept hidden from population,
even when a virus killed most of scientists and personnal in the
underground laboratories. The army just definitly closed all the
way out and cealed the blast door. The antidote was almost
ready when it happened.

They forgot only one detail : the water supply pipeline...
Years passed, and very slowly
the virus found a way trhough it, spreading in all the water...

The Terminat'Horde, Fast and Curious, and Sixth Sense pills
should be the powerups that
would be modded on the Monster F4ctory project.
The antidote will soon be a part of the
Survivor's diary as an objective.

8 commentaires:

  1. Having a simple buried blastdoor isn't a good way to hide it... So to making it more interested, have a specially hidden elevator that leads to a underground cave, with a long metal bridge leading deeper into the abyss...

    Need more info on the virus, and probably more interesting if you could create a small note system ingame so players could read research notes for detailed information.

    The research papers are can also be required in a part of the mission for creating a Antiviral for the humans to survive, but reality is crueler than you think (the doctor trying to create the Antiviral tested some on himself because he is in a state of panic, turning him into a even greater monster).

    After killing the monster, the survivors noticed that this newly formed monster's blood appears to kill the infected just by being in contact with it, meaning the Antiviral finally kicked in, but not without sacrificing the doctor.

  2. You could have the survivors be tasked with searching and collecting items for their survival, including the ingredients for the Antiviral, which seems more like a weapon than a cure.

    So in the case that the Antiviral is created, it could work like a biogun, except that hitting any infected with one disintigrates/melts it!

    Antiviral could also works in other ways, like being used as a special "shield" between survivors and infected, and since infected instinctively knows that the antivirial is deadly, this "shield" could ward off weaker infected from trying to attack you (basically the common infected will not aggro you).

  3. Kai and Jason are the same people :P I just forgot to stick with a single name...

    Maybe change the name of each pill to better suit it's boosts. Reason for this is, scientists like to codename and nickname their drugs, so in order to come up with a nickname to them, give each one a decent codename.

    And a virus that comes from drugs seems a little off... Maybe include in the story that the scientists used experimental viruses to test on humans it's cell infecting abilities, then thus tried to implement them into drugs. The user then used the drugs and unknowningly become infected.

    Say that Scientists planned to program the viruses to do different effects, by making it infect the user's cells, which means rewriting the cells itself. This explains why many of the failed creations turned into monsters, and weren't properly disposed of...

    But the scientists made a mistake, the virus has a nature to continously expand and infect non-stop. By the time they realized it, it was already too late...

  4. For the second life drug:
    - Make the reason it lets the soldier continue fighting when injured, is that its a very strong pain reliever, it also makes the soldier focused because their sense of touch is greatly diminished to allow the soldier to focus on sight, and hearing.
    Codename: FELO3 (not a real name, can be pronounced Fellow3)
    Taken from: Pain Relievers - Licofelone

  5. For the super strength drug:
    - Anabolic steroids are steroids that works on muscle and bones, so this can be used with a new codename and nickname.

    Codename: PA-S4C Enhancer
    Taken from: Anabolic steroids

  6. Oh right, don't mention anything about a antidote, because having a cure near the beginning will mess up the idea of surviving without one.

    And since the experiments are deemed Top Secret, not even the government could of know it. It could be funded from a private pharmaceutical giant (lol like Umbrella?) that intends to meet it's goals, they don't care whether their actions are good or evil... As long as they got the money to silence those who knows the project, they don't fear anyone.

    What is the goal? Nobody knows. Rumors has it that the company is attempting to go for world domination, although they seem to be heading in the wrong direction at the moment (points to human experimentations)...

    But then we gotta differentiate them from the resident evil and etc ones...

    Maybe this company already controls many of the world's population through it's pharmaceutical influence, and has many divisions with different research in each one.

  7. Would be interesting if we somehow ended up having players fight actual paramilitary units, or use them to clear off the infected for them.

    The only issue is the animate and create them...

  8. In every survival horror game, character is a important aspect so players can understand and interact with them. Maybe create NPC survivors that, in a cutscene tells you what you needed to do and how to do it.

    For example, a fellow survivor in your group (NPC) can be a highly trained biochemist and a doctor, he can explain things to you and radios in to tell you what your objectives are.
